First feature article!

Posted on August 30th, 2011

I was featured in the Minnesota Writers Alliance newsletter this month.  Thanks to Joan Sween for an awesome article.  So excited to get the word out!

MWA September 2011 Newsletter

Check it out!

Longer Preview Now Available

Posted on August 28th, 2011

I wasn’t satisfied with releasing just four pages for the preview.  Now I’ve released the first 14 pages.  Enjoy!

New Book Cover (a completely different direction)

Posted on August 19th, 2011

Due to factors beyond my control, I’ve gone with a different version of the book cover.  I’m very pleased with it.  Hope you enjoy!

Only a few weeks away from the official launch.  I’m so excited!

Now accepting preorders

Posted on August 8th, 2011

As mentioned on the Facebook group page, today is the first day I’m officially accepting preorders on The Caldarian Conflict (check out the right-hand sidebar). Please note that there are three options:

  • Autographed physical copy + eBook
  • Autographed physical copy only
  • eBook only (scroll down a little more)

For a limited time (until 9/19), the Autographed physical copy + eBook combo will be the same price as buying just the Autographed physical copy.   After 9/19, the combo price will be $1 more than the autographed book alone.

A free sample of the novel’s prelude is available: The Caldarian Conflict – Mike Kalmbach – Prelude. Enjoy!

Back jacket copy:

“Pirates are a disease,” Admiral Cain often growls.  He’ll stop at nothing to eliminate piracy from Caldaria.  Luckily, Cain and his assistant Krell have finally landed on a seemingly perfect solution.

There’s a catch: if the Caldarian citizens discover what they’re doing, the peasants will revolt.  If the king finds out, Admiral Cain will lose his head.

Brother Mendell, a monk dedicated to Lord Justice, is sucked into the battle when he consoles a pirate prisoner sentenced for execution.  In his quest for justice, Mendell inadvertently finds himself at the forefront of a war between pirates and the Caldarian navy.

In order to bring the scales back into balance, Mendell must navigate deadly seas, survive traitorous pirates, and outsmart the devious admiral and his ruthless assistant. If he fails, the freedom of an entire nation lies at stake.

Book Launch Party!

Posted on August 5th, 2011

The Caldarian Conflict will be officially released on 9/19/2011.  To celebrate this achievement, my family and I will be hosting a book launch party.  Details are below!

So we can plan for food, please respond either in the comments below or on the Facebook invite.  Hope to see you there!

For those of you not in Rochester, a preorder button will soon be available on the right-hand side so you can get a copy of the book.

Monday, September 19 · 4:00pm – 9:00pm

The Plummer House

1091 Plummer Lane SW
Rochester, MN

Created By

For The Caldarian Conflict

More Info
September 19 is also International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so my family (including baby Alexander) will be in pirate garb. Costumes are optional, but encouraged. Those who come in costume will receive $1 off the book.

All attendees will receive an honorary eye patch. Arr!​s?q=Plummer+House%2C+Plumm​er+Lane+Southwest%2C+Roche​ster%2C+MN&hl=en&sll=37.06​25%2C-95.677068&sspn=46.76​4446%2C107.138672&t=h&z=15